Linton Village Hall Committee

Linton Village Hall is a registered charity (Charity Number 520470) and as such we are governed by our charity governing documents and all regulations detailed on the Charity Commission website.

Management Committee

The committee is elected annually at our AGM (held each March). Members of the Linton community and surrounding areas are welcome to attend this AGM and are invited to other meetings and events held throughout the year.

Chair and Trustee: Alison Smith
Vice Chair and Trustee: Jack Hornsby
Treasurer: Marie Styring
Secretary and Trustee: Eleanor Smith
Booking Secretary and Trustee: Roger Redfern
Trustees: Pat Whetton
Elaine Wainwright
Committee members: Andy Hasell
Pauline Lintin
Barry Jefferies
Hayley Curtis
Graham Steward

Matters for discussion by the Committee should be emailed to and marked for the attention of the Secretary. ​

See our Governance Section for reports and policies and details of our public meetings and AGM.

Governance and Polices

The village hall has several policies in place to ensure the effective and running of the building and these cover all hirers and users. All policies can be viewed below

Annual General Meeting

Our next Annual general Meeting will take place on 24 May 2021 7.00pm

Download the Agenda here


Minutes of last AGM

Minutes of the last AGM can be found here